
Using AI for SEO

(A Step-by-Step Guide)

GrowUp Founder

Muiz Thomas

Founder & Creator

8 mins read

Updated: 21th May 2024

Unless you’ve been hiding in a cave, you’ve probably heard of ChatGPT, Gemini, and the like.

Over the past year, I’ve spent 1000+ hours mastering how to effectively use and prompt these AI assistants (don’t worry, they’re not THAT hard).

In this post, I’ll show you how to use AI to scale your SEO efforts 10x (without harming your site) and free up time for more high-value stuff.

What Does It Mean to Use AI for SEO?

I’ve seen a lot of confusion about how AI fits into SEO, especially when it comes to content creation.

This confusion mainly comes from two groups:

  • Those overusing AI: e.g. creating content without any human input.
  • Those misusing AI: e.g. scraping and republishing whole articles from other sites without permission (a big problem).

In this piece, I’ll show you a smarter way to use AI in your SEO that works with and improves your current workflow.

5 Practical AI SEO Use Cases

Most SEOs  just use AI for writing content outlines, drafts—but they’re capable of much more.

Here are five ways AI can save you from boring, time-consuming SEO tasks:

1) Keyword Research

What keywords should you use on your site’s content?

It’s the first question every SEO expert thinks about.

In the past, you’d spend hours or even days with traditional SEO tools.

But now, with AI, it’s super quick.

For example, say I’m researching the topic “muscle supplement growth”.

I can use Ryan’s AI keyword research tool to check the general search volume and keyword difficulty.

Using AI for keyword research

Screenshot from RyRob, May 2024

The best part? It also gives me content ideas based on the keyword.

Using AI for content ideas

Screenshot from RyRob, May 2024

Not only does this free up my time, but it also makes sure I don’t skip any promising keywords or content angles.

Heads up: Using AI for keyword research offers a huge advantage. But don’t rely on it completely—use it as a guide/helper, not a substitute.

2) On-Page Analysis

Say you’ve written a bunch of blog posts about your product, but you’re not getting the traffic you hoped for.

You could spend forever digging through GA4 to figure out why.

Or, you could use a ChatGPT plugin like SEO CORE AI.

Just give it your website link and ask for improvement ideas:

Using AI for On-page optimisation

No more wasting hours analysing every nook and cranny of your site.

P.S. You’ll need a ChatGPT Plus subscription for unlimited access to the plugin.

3) Link Building

SEO can be tricky, especially when it comes to finding good backlinks.

If you’re just starting out, creating content that naturally attracts links might be your best bet—and AI can help.

Here’s a simple prompt you can use:

Create linkable content/assets

I need a detailed guide on how to create shareable content for my [website/blog top...

Using AI to create linkable assets

Screenshot from ChatGPT, May 2024

Once you’re all set, if you decide to contact websites or partners for links, you can use the below prompt to plan your outreach strategy:

Find partnerships & collaborations

Could you provide a strategic plan for my [business], a [business info], to partner wi....

Using AI for outreach strategy

Screenshot from ChatGPT, May 2024

4) Data Analysis

With a ChatGPT premium (paid) account, you can extract key insights from your Google Analytics data.

Just export the data as a CSV or PDF file, then ask ChatGPT to:

  • analyse your website traffic trends,
  • identify top-performing pages,
  • or even spot any potential issues.

Example prompt:

Analyse Google Analytics Data

I've just exported my website traffic data from Google Analytics. Can you analyse it a...

Using AI to analyse SEO data

Screenshot from ChatGPT, May 2024

5) Google Business Profile (GBP) Optimisation

Keeping your GBP in top shape can be tough, especially for small businesses without a marketing team.

But with ProfilePro, an AI chrome extension, you can auto-generate optimised review responses, business descriptions and more—all with just one click!

Once you’ve installed the extension, go to your GBP and click the purple button.

AI for GBP

Then follow the steps and check them off as you go. It’s that simple!

Using AI to optimise Google Business Profile

Screenshot from ProfilePro, May 2024

Best Practices When Using AI for SEO: Dos & Don’ts

When starting out with AI SEO tools, remember: they’re not magic solutions.

Use them to improve your work, not to replace everything you do.

With that in mind, here are the do’s and don’ts when using AI for SEO.


1) Use AI to Speed Up Workflow

Instead of starting from scratch, AI tools like ChatGPT can help you create high-quality first drafts (you can then add your own style).

2) Use AI to Spark Ideas

If you ever find yourself stuck staring at a blank page, you can use AI tools to brainstorm fresh content ideas. Just give them a few pointers, and voila!

3) Be Specific With AI

AI tools aren’t perfect, but with continous testing, they can be improved.

For instance, ChatGPT allows you add “Custom Instructions.”

Just click your profile name in the top right, select “Custom Instructions,” and add specifics in the text boxes, like this:

Customising ChatGPT

The more detailed your input, the better the AI works.


1) Rely on AI for Everything

Figure out where you and your team actually need help.

For example, if you’re struggling with keyword research.

Since AI is pretty good at analysing search trends, you can use it to spot valuable keyword opportunities.

2) Stick to Just One Prompt

You might need to give the AI multiple prompts before it gets you the right answer. Be patient and let it know exactly what you want to change.

3) Forget to Provide the Right Materials

Sometimes, the AI needs specific inputs to give the best results. For instance, if you need it to analyse data, make sure to provide the data file as input.

Actionable Next Steps

Using AI for SEO opens up endless possibilities.

The tips I’ve shared in this guide will help you streamline your SEO tasks and 3x your organic traffic.

Next steps:

  • Find SEO tasks AI can do
  • Play around with different AI tools 
  • Track and fine-tune your results

Need a hand? We provide SEO consulting services to optimise your use of AI—get in touch today! 

About the Author

GrowUp founder

Muiz Thomas

Professionally, I’ve got over 6 years of SEO, copywriting, and design experience. My job in a nutshell? Make your customers sit up, pay attention, and click (in that order).