
Using AI for Keyword Research

A Step-by-Step Guide

GrowUp Founder

Muiz Thomas

Founder & Creator

8 mins read

Published: 1st July 2024

Like it or not, getting traffic from search engines means doing some homework on what keywords to target.

This blog post sheds light on how marketers can use AI to improve their keyword research, beyond just creating content.

How Does AI Improve Keyword Research?

In the past, finding good keywords took a lot of time and work. You had to gather and interpret user data yourself.

But now, with AI tools, you can…

  • Find the best keywords for your content with the least amount of effort.
  • Predict future search trends based on current data patterns.
  • See what keywords your competitors are ranking for, and get tips on how to rank even higher.

Step-by-Step AI Keyword Research (With Prompts)

Using AI for SEO can be tricky at times. This step-by-step guide makes it easy to find the RIGHT keywords to use in your content.

1) Brainstorm Seed Keywords

First, start by brainstorming your seed keywords. Think about the main topics that describe your business, products, or services.

Brainstorm Seed Keywords

As an SEO expert specialising in keyword research, I need your help identifying 10-15...

2) Expand Keyword List

Once you’ve got your seed keywords, use AI tools like ChatGPT to find variations, longer phrases, and related terms you might not have thought of.

Expand Keyword List

Using these seed keywords [list 3-5 seed keywords], generate an extensive list of rela...

3) Organise Keywords by Search Intent

With your expanded list, next step is to group them based on search intent—do users want to learn, buy, or compare? This helps you create the right kind of content.

Organise Keywords by Search Intent

As a search intent expert, organise this [list of keywords} into Informational, Navigati...

4) Refine Keyword Selection

After sorting your keywords, time to trim down your list. Focus on keywords with moderate search volume, aren’t too competitive, and relevant to your business.

Refine Keyword Selection

As an SEO strategist, analyse this [list of keywords] to identify the MOST valuable on....

5) Analyse Competitors

With your refined list, take a sec to see what your competitors are doing. AI can help you spot keywords they’re using well and where there might be gaps you can fill.

Analyse Competitors

As a competitor analysis expert, analyse the keyword strategies of [your top 3 compe...

6) Predicting Search Trends

Before you finalize your keywords, use AI to predict future search trends so you can prepare content for what’s coming (giving you a head start).

Predicting Search Trends

As a trend forecasting expert, analyse current search trends and predict future keyw...

7) Plan Keyword Integration

With your keywords ready, plan how to spread them across specific pages or content on your site to keep everything optimised.

Plan Keyword Integration

As a content strategist, help me integrate my [refined keyword list] into a comprehe....

8) Optimise Your Content

Now, sprinkle your keywords into your site. Use them in your titles, meta data, and page content. Just make sure everything still sounds natural and makes sense.

Optimise Your Content

As an on-page SEO expert, help me optimise a [type of page] for the target keyword...

9) Monitor Performance

Once your content is up, use AI tools to see how your keywords are doing. Are they getting traffic? Are users engaging? Be ready to make changes if needed.

Monitor Performance

As an analytics expert, guide me through monitoring and adjusting my [target key...

10) Iterating/Improving Keywords

Remember, keyword research never really ends. Use AI to stay on top of new search trends—this keeps your SEO efforts working well over time.

Iterating/Improving Keywords

As an SEO strategist focused on continuous improvement, help me develop a syste...

Level Up Your Keyword Strategy

Doing keyword research without AI can make it hard to keep up with what people want and what your competitors are doing.

By following the steps in this guide, you can use AI to identify high-value keywords, write stuff people want to read, and stay one step ahead.

And if you need expert help with your keyword research, feel free to reach out. We offer a free, no-obligation 30-min consultation.

About the Author

GrowUp founder

Muiz Thomas

Professionally, I’ve got over 6 years of SEO, copywriting, and design experience. My job in a nutshell? Make your customers sit up, pay attention, and click (in that order).