
Using AI Content for SEO

Without Getting Penalized

GrowUp Founder

Muiz Thomas

Founder & Creator

8 mins read

Published: 5th June 2024

Scroll through social media, and you’ll see posts saying AI will replace writers.

Some are even scared to use AI for content, thinking Google might punish them.

This guide will tell you everything about using AI content for SEO—its limitations, and best practices.

Is AI-Generated Content Good for SEO?

Yes, but you’ll need to be exceptionally good at writing AI prompts.

Just using AI to pump out articles won’t get you far. Sorry, not sorry!

Your content needs to align wth Googe’s standards—which is high quality, relevant, and helpful.

Does Google Penalize AI Generated Content?

Before April 2022, Google used to frown on AI-written content—they specifically said “avoid it!” completely.

Screenshot from outdated Google Webmaster Guidelines using Wayback Machine.

But with some AI tools now producing content as good as, or even better than humans, it no longer makes sense for Google to be against it:

Google confirming AI is not against AI content

Screenshot from Google confirming its not against AI content. 

Long story short: If a creator uses an AI content generator and the content remains high quality and helpful, it won’t get penalized.

Can Google Detect AI-Written Content?

Yes they can, especially if it violates their spam guidelines.

But the key point is: as long as you’re creating content with users in mind, using “some” AI-generated material should be fine.

Don’t worry too much about whether Google can detect it or not.

Risks of Using AI-Generated Content for SEO

AI can speed up content creation—which is good for SEO.

But watch out for these risks:

1) Accuracy Issues

AI tools sometimes can make up stats or sources. Using this kind of content could even get you in legal trouble if care is not taken.

2) Lack of Originality

If everyone uses AI to answer the same question, Google may see it as unoriginal and low-quality.

3) Missing Human Touch

Human writers add that pizazz. AI content can feel a bit… soulless.

Using AI for SEO Content Without Getting Penalized

Here are 5 tips to keep in mind when using AI for content creation:

1) Give Clear Instructions

When using AI for writing, don’t just say “write about meditation”. Instead:

  • FInd a good video or podcast on your topic
  • Feed the transcript to ChatGPT-4o
  • Tell it about your audience, brand voice, and products

Then get specific with your prompt:

Sample of a Good Prompt

Write a 800-word blog post titled 'How Meditation Can Reduce Stress and Boost Pr...

And don’t just copy-paste the raw AI output. Have a human polish it up!

Need help organizing all this? Use our content brief template to plan and streamline your content creation process.

2) Follow E-E-A-T

To use AI content properly for SEO, stick to E-E-A-T guidelines. Focus on topics where you have expertise and build trust with readers.

3) Prioritise User Experience

Content that users love is what Google wants to see. Once AI generates the content, review it thoroughly to ensure it’s clear and useful for readers.

Types of Useful Content

4) Use Advanced AI Tools

As language models improve, it’ll be harder to tell if a content is written by AI.

Using advanced models like GPT-4 or GPT-4o can make your content seem more human and harder to spot.

5) Add That Human Touch

AI can do a lot, but it needs a bit of flair. Personalize your AI content to make it sound more authentic and engaging.

Testing Your SEO Content for AI Detection

So, you’ve polished your AI-written content. ✨

How do you make sure search engines can’t spot it’s from AI?

Use an AI detection tool like Content at Scale’s AI Detector.

How to Test Your SEO Content for AI Detection

Just paste your content or upload a file, click “Check for AI content,” and you’ll get a score from 0 (definitely AI) to 100 (completely human).

Level Up Your Content Strategy

Using AI content for SEO all boils down to quality.

As long as the content adds value, search engines won’t mind the AI behind it.

Need help scaling up your content without the risks? Feel free to reach out!

About the Author

GrowUp founder

Muiz Thomas

Professionally, I’ve got over 6 years of SEO, copywriting, and design experience. My job in a nutshell? Make your customers sit up, pay attention, and click (in that order).