
Free SEO Copywriting Checklist

Hit Publish With Confidence—Every Time

GrowUp Founder

Muiz Thomas

Founder & Creator

8 min read

Published: 29th February 2024


Why Use Our SEO Copywriting Checklist?

Win Hearts

Learn how to use words that make readers stay, read every line, and whip out their wallets.

Stress Less

NEVER have to waste brain power on copy that users just scroll past or ignore.

Rank Faster

Focus on the key bits needed to produce high-ranking SEO copy, every time.

Cut Delays

Blast through projects without sacrificing quality — no more delays or putting stuff of.


The Words You Choose Can Make or Break a Sale

Write in a way that makes Google happy and get readers excited to buy right away.

GrowUp SEO Copywriting Checklist Form

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Made Super Easy

Boosts Rankings
Using an SEO copywriting checklist makes sure you don’t miss the stuff Google looks for when ranking pages.

Catches Slip-ups
Even pros can miss stuff. For example, you have to use alt tags on your images. This might not seem like a big deal, but skipping this could hurt your traffic in the long run.

Keeps You in Line
Google’s content rules are strict. With a checklist, you make sure your writing always meets these standards.

Guarantees Quality
A checklist helps you keep your content spot-on and SEO-friendly every single time.

Before writing…

  • Do SEO keyword research to know what your audience is searching for.
  • Choose your main topic based on those keywords.
  • Then, outline your article to organise your ideas.

Yes, it’s hard work, but it’s gonna pay off in the long run.

This checklist covers everything you need for better website ranking and more online visibility.

It includes tips on…

  • Choosing the right keywords
  • Writing catchy headlines
  • Tweaking meta tags
  • Writing clear and engaging paragraphs
  • Building strong sentences
  • Using the right grammar
  • Using inclsusive language, etc.

Avoid these big SEO writing mistakes to do better:

Stuffing Keywords: Makes your writing look spammy, and search engines might penalise you. Keep it natural.

Ignoring Content Quality: Don’t just focus on SEO and forget about making your content engaging. Your readers come first.

Skipping Meta Descriptions: Don’t forget to write good meta descriptions. They’re like mini ads for your content in search results and can convince people to click.

First, look at how many people come to your site from search engines (organic traffic). More visitors usually mean your SEO writing is on point. Use Google Analytics to see how many people are visiting and which articles they like most.

Also, see where your website stands in search results (SERPs). Being higher up means more people can find you. Google’s Search Console shows how well you’re doing there.

Watch your bounce rate too; if people leave fast, your content might not be engaging enough. Lastly, see how you stack up against competitors. It can show where you can do better.

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