
Impact of Google SGE on PPC

(With Best Practices)

GrowUp Founder

Muiz Thomas

Founder & Creator

8 mins read

Published: 12th June 2024

Google’s new AI search feature is now live in the US and expanding.

Whilst there’s been lots of talk about SGE’s impact on SEO, not much has been said about paid ads.

This article will show you the best ways to optimise your PPC campaigns for SGE.

SGE Impact on Ad Placement

When SGE first launched, Google ran ads above and below the search results.

Google showing ads above and below ai overviews

Screenshot from LinkedIn, user Nick Malekos, June 2024.

Interestingly, a recent study by SE Ranking on 100,000 keywords found: 

  • Shopping ads (carousels) appear above SGE 80% of the time
  • More ads show up below SGE than above
  • No ads at all in 27% of cases

While Google’s still experimenting with the ad placements, it’s clear ads will be a big part of SGE.

Google’s Philipp Schindler even confirms this:

“SGE is creating new opportunities for us to improve commercial journeys for people by showing relevant ads alongside search results.”

How Will SGE Impact PPC Ad Performance?

SGE is still new, so it’s a bit of a mystery how it’ll turn out. But for now, it could shake up PPC in these ways:

1) Ad Copy Changes

PPC ads are usually short, keyword-focused, and salesy. But with SGE, ads might need to sound more like regular conversations to fit in better.

2) SEO and PPC Alignment

Search habits are changing fast. To stay competitive, integrated SEO and PPC strategies are crucial for maximising online visibility.

3) Increase in Long-tail Conversational Queries

With SGE and generative AI, people will search more conversationally. We’ve seen this with voice search, and SGE will likely keep it going.

How PPC Advertisers Can Prepare for SGE

To prepare for any upcoming changes related to Google Search advertising, here are general tips for advertisers to consider:

How PPC Advertisers Can Prepare for SGE:

  • Optimise Landing Pages for Conversions
  • Adapt Ad Creative for SGE
  • Adjust Targeting Strategies
  • Look Beyond Google
  • Optimise Product Feeds

1) Optimise Landing Pages for Conversions

Since search engines now provide direct answers, those who click through are likely more informed and further along the buying journey.

This is why your landing pages need to be optimised for conversions.

Best practices:

  • Ditch those long forms. The fewer clicks, the better.
  • Make your unique value clear and compelling right away.
  • Place your CTA prominently and tell visitors exactly what to do.
  • Use testimonials, reviews, and happy customers to build trust.
  • Get rid of anything that takes away from what you want them to do.
  • Use free trials or exclusive offers to encourage conversions.

2) Adapt Ad Creative for SGE

SGE might throw new features your way, so be ready to adjust your ad copy and creatives to fit them. Highlight the unique features of your products/ services.

3) Adjust Targeting Strategies

Keep an eye on your targeting as SGE brings in new features. You might need to adjust who sees your ads or your bidding strategy to get the best results.

4) Look Beyond Google

Social media ads and paid social channels are becoming more popular for top-of-funnel visibility.

Understand how the multi-channel funnel works and be prepared to diversify your traffic sources beyond just Google.

5) Optimise Product Feeds

Shopping ads usually show at the top of search results. This isn’t changing much, according to the SE Ranking study.

So, make sure your product feed is in great shape. This will help your ads stand out.

Rethinking PPC Strategy

We’re not exactly sure how the final SGE release will look, but it will definitely transform PPC marketing.

Start experimenting with SGE now. Review your keywords, ad copy, accounts, etc.

And if you need any help or support, get in touch. We offer SEO audits to ensure your PPC and SEO strategies are optimised for SGE changes.

About the Author

GrowUp founder

Muiz Thomas

Professionally, I’ve got over 6 years of SEO, copywriting, and design experience. My job in a nutshell? Make your customers sit up, pay attention, and click (in that order).