
Impact of Google SGE on SEO

(With Actionable Tips to Rank)

GrowUp Founder

Muiz Thomas

Founder & Creator

8 mins read

Published: 24th May 2024

Soon, Google will start answering search queries with AI-generated ‘snapshots’.

If you do SEO, you’re probably wondering:

“What’s gonna happen to our organic traffic?”

If people can just read Google’s AI answer, why would they visit your site?

In this article, I’ll clear up some of these misconceptions and give you tips on how to rank in Google’s new search generative experience (SGE).

How Does Google SGE Work?

Before AI, search results were pretty basic—you just got a list of blue links to websites matching your query.

  • You’d have to scroll through a bunch of pages;
  • And piece together the answer yourself

But with Google’s SGE:

  • You have a question
  • You Google it, and boom…
  • A summary, with AI generated answers

Say you’re looking up how to buy a house online. Here’s what you’ll get:

What does SGE look like?

1) AI’s Answer: Right away, you get the AI’s direct reply

2) Dropdown Arrow: Fact-check where the AI got its info

3) Site Carousel: A lineup of websites for more details

4) Ask a Follow Up: Keep the conversation going with more questions

5) Follow-up Suggestions: The AI even suggests what to ask next 

And the best part?

During the Google Marketing Live Keynote 2024, Philipp Schindler made a striking point at the 16-minute mark:

“Soon, when people search for ideas, they’ll get more than an AI answer. They’ll get a whole AI-organised page, custom-built for their question.”

Definitely something to look forward to.

How Are Users Reacting to SGE?

Surprisingly, right after Google launched its SGE feature, the top searches around “google ai overview” was how to turn it off.

Frustration over Google's AI Overviews

Screenshot from LinkedIn, user David Jackson, May 2024.

It’s even trending on Google’s forums.

User's frustration over Google's AI Overviews

Screenshot from LinkedIn, user Lily Ray, May 2024.

Jemal, a user on Mastodon, even asked if there was a way to default to the “web” tab.

Danny Sullivan, Google Search Liaison replied:

Google's feedback on user's frustration AI overview

Sounds like people are desperate for results written by actual humans.

Shockingly though, Google’s CEO claims the AI overviews are “actually increasing search usage.

Pichai said:

“Based on our testing, we are encouraged that we are seeing an increase in search usage among people who use the new AI overviews as well as increased user satisfaction with the results.”

Anyway, Google’s been testing a “Web Results” filter for those who just want the webpage links, minus the extra features.

I’m surprised they’re even offering this option—but we’ll see how long it lasts.

How Will SGE Impact SEO and Traffic?

Let’s say users start relying on SGE answers.

Could this mean less organic traffic?


Traffic could drop for broad, general questions.

But, for more complex queries, users will still want to check trusted sites (to verify what SGE tells them). 

SGE’s impact on small businesses would likely vary—local searches and niche queries might still drive traffic; BUT broad queries could see a drop.

7 Actionable Tips for How to Rank in SGE

SGE is still a work in progress, and it’ll continue to evolve until (and likely after) its full launch. But here are steps you can take now to improve your chances of ranking in it.

How to Rank Your Website in Google SGE:

  • Use Short, Clear, and Direct Language
  • Optimise Your Meta Images
  • E-E-A-T Your Heart Away
  • Optimise for SGE Follow-Ups
  • Target Long-Tail Searches
  • Update Your Publish Dates
  • Build Consistency Across Channels

1) Use Short, Clear, and Direct Language

Google have actually made it easy to identify what content your page needs to appear in the SGE results.

The AI snapshots are usually short, clear, and direct—marked in either purple/blue:

How to answer questions to rank in SGE

So to rank, you need to give SGE what it’s scanning for.

Start your content with a clear summary to give readers a quick overview.

You can also replicate what’s showing up in SGE, then rewrite and optimise your content to match it.

That said, SGE changes a lot—don’t rely too much on one result. What you see today might be different tomorrow!

2) Optimise Your Meta Images

SGE opens the door for your site to be included in the site carousel, but you’ve got to stand out.

how to optimise images to rank in sge

Use relevant, attention-grabbing images and make sure they’ve got descriptive filenames, titles, and alt text.

3) E-E-A-T Your Heart Away

While E-E-A-T isn’t a direct SGE ranking factor, it still aligns with Google’s Helpful Content Update (which does impact SGE rankings).

Get a Detailed Helpful Content Update Checklist​

GrowUp Helpful Content Update Checklist

But E-E-A-T alone won’t cut it. You also need to prove others value your content.

Building links and other signs of external authority helps Google decide who to trust and feature in its SGE responses.

So, I’d suggest you step up your link-building game.

4) Optimise for SGE Follow-Ups

SGE is like a springboard. It uses AI to give users a snapshot of a topic, which they can then explore through cited links or suggested follow-up searches.

Let’s say I’m writing on “Why do cats purr softly:”

how to optimise for SGE follow-ups

I can choose to target other follow-up questions like, “Do cats purr when relaxed?” in new or existing content (provided they align with my audience).

Not only does this provide more value for readers, but it also increases my topical authority and boosts my chances of showing up in SGE results. 

5) Target Long-Tail Searches

SGE will most likely handle a lot of broad queries, so you might want to focus on more specific searches.

For example, someone searching for “how to clean a cast iron skillet” might just read Google’s SGE answers:

AI overview available

But with more specific, long-tail searches (like “how do you clean a cast iron skillet without destroying it”), your content has a better chance of showing up.

Less competition for you—plus the SGE might not even pop up:

AI overview unavailable

This search query doesn’t trigger SGE, so your content is more likely to appear in the traditional SERPs.

6) Update Your Publish Dates

Google says sources in the AI output will show a publish date.

So, if you’re updating old content, remember to change the publish date.

Those up-to-date timestamps will most likely translate to more clicks for you.

7) Build Consistency Across Channels

With SGE, users may find your content through the AI snapshots and then visit your site, social media, or other digital channels.

A consistent brand voice, messaging, and user experience across all these platforms allows for a smoother customer journey.

Don’t Get Distracted by SGE Hype

Keep an eye on new trends, but don’t get too distracted.

Instead of stressing over SGE, focus on what works now and will keep working:

  • Regularly audit your site
  • Write great content
  • Use eye-catching, relevant visuals
  • Make your site user-friendly

This way, even if AI steals some of your traffic, you can still turn the ones who do come into customers.

And if you need help optimising your site for SGE, we offer a free 30-minute SEO consultation. Get in touch today!

About the Author

GrowUp founder

Muiz Thomas

Professionally, I’ve got over 6 years of SEO, copywriting, and design experience. My job in a nutshell? Make your customers sit up, pay attention, and click (in that order).