
30+ AI Prompts for SEO

(With Better Results!)

GrowUp Founder

Muiz Thomas

Founder & Creator

25 min read

Updated: 5th April 2024

Using AI for SEO can be tricky at times.

You ask for one thing, it gives you something totally different.

In this guide, I’ve put together a list of 30+ well-thought-out AI prompts guaranteed to give you better outputs.

Check them out and make your SEO life easier!

Heads up: To use the prompts, just copy them, swap the [] bits to fit your needs, and pop it into Bing AI or ChatGPT. Don’t forget to review and tweak to get the best results. Oh, and keep sensitive info to yourself.

AI Prompts for Keyword Research

Finding the right keywords can be tough at times. Use these prompts to figure out what your audience is searching for.

Brainstorm high-intent keywords

Assume the role of an SEO strategist with 20 years of experience. Give me a target....

Keyword ideas for blog posts

Imagine you’re an SEO expert with decades of experience. Look into this [blog topic....

Campaign ideas for each keyword

I need you to look into current trends in my [industry name] and among my [target a....

Keyword ideas by funnel stages

Please put together a list of SEO keywords related to this [topic]. Sort them accordin...

Group keywords by search intent

Please sort these keywords [keyword lists] based on their search intent: Informationa...

Track keyword performance

I need a detailed guide for keeping an eye on these [keywords] using tools like Googl...

AI Prompts for Competitor Analysis

Got your keywords? Great! Now, use these prompts to dig out what your competitors are up to.

Identify your top competitors

Assume the role of an experienced market research analyst. Please find me the top 5....

Compare your competitors

Please give me a detailed comparison list of my competitors [competitor URLs]. For...

Extract keywords from your competitors content

You’re an SEO expert with decades of ex....

Analyse content performance of each competitor

Please take a look at each of my competi....

AI Prompts for SEO Content Strategy

Now that you’ve got your keywords and scoped out your competitors, you can then use these prompts to strategise content that adds value.

Create a customer persona

Imagine you’re a [customer info] and you need a [product/service]. Describe your (fe...

Site architecture for a new site

Put on your business strategist and SEO expert hats. I need a table for planning th....

Design a content strategy

I need you to create a well-thought-out content strategy for my [website URL]. He...

Create an SEO content outline

You're an highly experienced content marketing specialist. I need you to creat...

Get better content ideas

Using the PQR2, give me 10 phrases my [customer avatar] uses to express the pro...

Brainstorm unique ideas

I am a content creator in the [NICHE]. I need you to come up with 30 short-form...

Create a detailed content calendar

Put together a detailed content calendar for my [company_info] within [time_perio....

Promote your content

Give me a guide on how to get this [blog topic/blog URL] seen on social media cha....

AI Prompts for SEO Copywriting

With a strategy in place, it’s time to create your high-converting SEO copy. Here are some prompts to kick things off:

Create SEO-friendly title tags

I need [number] SEO-friendly title tags for this [webpage URL/blog post topic] that i...

Create a meta description

I need [number] engaging and concise meta descriptions for this [webpage/pag...

Create a blog post

Create a blog post addressing the key struggles of [target audience] in the [nic...

Create a landing page

I need a landing page that makes [ideal customer persona] feel [emotion] about...

Create SEO-friendly headlines

Give me a guide on how to use heading tags (H1, H2, H3) to structure my [websi...

Optimise alt text for visuals

Create a step-by-step guide on how to optimise alt text for images and video th....

AI Prompts for Local SEO

If you’re a local business or have a physical location, these prompts can help you reach potential customers in your area.

Create a local SEO strategy

I need a well-rounded local SEO strategy for my [business], a [business info] based in [c...

Optimise your Google business profile (GBP)

Could you provide some practical tips to e...

Create a local SEO content strategy

Act as a content strategist and local SEO expert. I need a well-thought-out local SE...

Managing your reviews

I need tips on how to encourage customers to leave reviews on my Google My Busines...

AI Prompts for Link Building

Once your content is live, you can use these prompts to build high-authority links.

Identify high-authority sites

Could you list 10 high-authority sites in the [industry name] that might be good for...

Create linkable content/assets

I need a detailed guide on how to create shareable content for my [website/blog t....

Send better outreach emails

You’re an expert writer with a knack for crafting compelling outreach emails. Giv....

Find partnerships & collaborations

Could you provide a strategic plan for my [business], a [business info], to partner wi....

Track your link building efforts

I need you to put together a simple, step-by-step guide on how to keep an eye on....

Submit your site to directories

Could you help me with a simple guide on how to add my [website URL] to well-kno....

AI Prompts for Technical SEO

Creating SEO content is not enough. Search engines need to find and love your site. Here are some prompts to make sure they do.

Create SEO-friendly URLs

I’ve got a list of URLs that need to be SEO-friendly. Little checklist: -) Stick to two dire...

Create a valid XML sitemap

Could you give me a step-by-step guide on how to create a valid XML sitemap for my...

Implement schema markup

Put together an easy-to-follow guide on how to add structured data (also known...

Optimise for site speed

Please come up with a well-thought-out strategy to make my [website URL] load f...

Links to Your AI Assistants

For Bing AI, you’ll need Microsoft Edge. ChatGPT just requires sign-up

Download Microsoft Edge

Sign Up to ChatGPT

Get Your Hands on All the Prompts for FREE.

Quick tip: To use, click ‘File’, then ‘Make a copy’ to save to your Google Drive, or ‘Download’ for an Excel version.

GrowUp AI SEO Prompts Form


Made Super Easy

An AI Prompt is a piece of text, question, or coding that tells the AI what you want. It works best when it’s more specific. For example, instead of a vague “Write me a blog post”, specify the tone, audience, and more to get exactly what you want.

Both Bing AI and ChatGPT are both great for writing and research, but the better choice depends on what you need.

Want a strong research tool that works with your web browser? Go for Bing AI.

Need an AI assistant that can handle tasks across various apps? ChatGPT is the clear winner, thanks to its plugins.

Plus, ChatGPT makes collaboration easier with its conversation-sharing capabilities.

For starters, traditional SEO tools can be a bit of a drag — they’re slow, resource-heavy, and have their limits.

But you can use these AI prompts to create content, analyse data, etc. Plus, they’re quick and easy to use.

And the best part? AI never stops learning and improving.

  • Set clear goals
  • Be specific with your requests
  • Decide the tone
  • Keep an eye on the results
  • Tweak as needed
  • And don’t forget final checks for accuracy


AI prompts aren’t the same as having an SEO expert.

They might overlook tone, context, or even lack the strategic keyword placement an SEO expert would ensure.

So, whilst they’re great for generating content, it’s best to have a human review it.

About the Author

GrowUp founder

Muiz Thomas

Professionally, I’ve got over 6 years of SEO, copywriting, and design experience. My job in a nutshell? Make your customers sit up, pay attention, and click (in that order).