
AI Content Personalization

A Practical Guide

GrowUp Founder

Muiz Thomas

Founder & Creator

8 mins read

Published: 3rd June 2024

People see tons of content every day.

To grab attention, your content should feel tailor-made for them. AI is making this easier than ever.

In this guide, I’ll cover why you should personalize your content and how to use AI to do it faster and better.

Why Even Personalize Content?

Lots of studies show that people expect personalized content. Visitors get annoyed if they can’t quickly find what they need or complete their purchase.

Some key stats:

  • 71% of customers expect personalization, and 76% get frustrated without it.
  • 77% of customers will pay more for brands that offer personalized services.
  • 89% of marketers see a positive ROI from personalized campaigns.

Benefits of Using AI to Personalize Content

Most marketers struggle to create personalized content at scale—and for good reason. Manually analyzing data is hard work!

But with the right AI tool, you can…

  • automatically analyse all your visitor data,
  • group them into segments,
  • and deliver the right content at the right time.

HP Tronic, for example, saw a 136% increase in new customer conversions just by using AI to personalize their website content.

How to Personalize Content With AI

To deliver AI-personalized messaging that’s unique for each customer, you need a well-thought-out content strategy.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1) Gather and Segment Your Data

First, get the data you need (from both your current and potential customers). Look at your website analytics, feedback channels, and any other tools.

Find out:

  • Who’s visiting your site
  • What they’re looking for
  • How they move around your site
  • What makes them buy

AI tools like commonroom.io or getcargo.io can automatically sort through all this data for you.

With all this info, you can then:

  • Identify patterns and trends in user behavior
  • Build detailed personas of your ideal customers
  • Map out the customer journey and find areas of friction
Stages of the Customer Journey

2) Optimise Your Content and Keywords

After sorting your customer groups, you need to optimise your content and keywords to match their interests.

  • First off, use Humata.ai to extract keywords from customer calls
  • Check Google Search Console for relevant search terms
  • Use SEMRush/Ahrefs to find keywords competitors rank for

Then pop all your customer groups and keywords in a Google Sheet. Each group gets a row, and the keywords a column.

Like this:

Segmenting Customer Groups

Now use ChatGPT to personalize those keywords by segment.

Sample prompt:

Personalize keywords by segment

Act as an SEO expert with decades of experience, I need your help polishing my exi...

You should end up with something like this:

Next up, for EACH keyword and segment, decide what content to create (ads, blog posts, landing page, etc).

Ensure every piece focuses on one persona, message, and solution.

3 Create Dynamic Content

This is when you adjust your content/layout based on each user’s data and behavior.

For example, an SEO consultant can decide to show location-specific content to visitors based on their geographic location, optimising local SEO efforts.

AI tools like Optimizely or Dynamic Yield can help you create and test different versions of these pages (you can then see how they impact conversions/revenue).

4) Track and Tweak

Once you’ve rolled out your personalized content, track metrics like traffic, time on page, conversions, etc.

Use tools like Google Analytics, Hotjar, or Databox to automate this process—then learn from the data and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Challenges When Using AI to Personalize Content

The market is booming, with many companies already spending over half their budgets on AI content personalization. But there are still challenges to using it well:

1) Market Shifts

Markets change, and when they do—brands need to find out what matters most to their main segments to adapt quickly.

2) Timing/Relevance

Timing matters in personalization. For instance, offering snow boots in the middle of summer won’t make sense to customers.

3) Trust Issues

Despite GDPR, only half of customers trust companies with their info. Clear privacy policies that explain what data is collected and how it’s used can help regain trust.

4) Ethical Use

AI personalization can be great, but it can also feel creepy. For example, getting a suggestion for a product you mentioned in a private conversation can be off-putting.

Start Small and Scale Gradually

Using AI to personalize your content might seem overwhelming at first.

But you can start small. Pick one specific audience group or type of content that could really benefit from personalization. As you get better, you can then expand.

Need any help along the way? Feel free to reach out! We offer a free, no-obligation 30-minute consultation.

About the Author

GrowUp founder

Muiz Thomas

Professionally, I’ve got over 6 years of SEO, copywriting, and design experience. My job in a nutshell? Make your customers sit up, pay attention, and click (in that order).