
SEO Competitor Analysis

An In-Depth Guide

GrowUp Founder

Muiz Thomas

Founder & Creator

22 min read

Updated: 5th July 2024

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

In any industry, you need to keep an eye on your competitors. It’s the only way to see where you are and where you should go.

Thankfully, many SEO tools can help you track your site and your competitors.

This article will walk you through how to do this, step by step.

What’s an SEO Competitor Analysis?

SEO competitor analysis is just a fancy way of saying “learn from your competitors”.

You see what keywords they’re using, content, and backlinks. Then use the good stuff to improve your own site.

So, instead of making random guesses—you’re building on what’s already working.

Why Do You Need an SEO Competitor Analysis?

Lots of websites want to be #1 on Google.

An SEO competitor analysis helps you:

  • Learn their best moves
  • Find any gaps
  • Compare your strategy to theirs

Download our high-level SEO strategy template to get ahead 

When Should You Do an SEO Competitor Analysis?

Many things can affect your site’s search rankings. Regular audits of your site and competitors can help you get better.

When should you do an SEO competitor analysis?

Key times to do an SEO competitor analysis:

  • Content Planning: See what competitors do well, then do it better
  • Post-Publishing: See how well your new content is doing
  • Changes in Search Results: If a competitor outranks you, see what they did
  • Ranking Drops: See what others might be doing better
  • Stuck in Search Results: Look for things you might have missed

How to Run an SEO Competitor Analysis

Step-by-step guide on how to run an effective SEO competitor analysis:

Step 1: Identify Your SEO Competitors

In SEO, you have two kinds of competitors:  

Direct competitors: Businesses selling the same stuff as you.

Search competitors: Websites fighting for the same spots on Google, even if they don’t sell what you do.

For example, as a creative SEO agency wanting to rank for “technical SEO,” our competitors could be blogs, software companies, or even Wikipedia:

Search Competitors

Your focus should be your search competitors—they’re a threat even if they don’t sell what you do.

How to find them:

  1. Think of words people use to find your business
  2. Google these words
  3. Look at the top results (not ads). These are your search competitors
  4. Sites appearing for multiple keywords are your main competitors
  5. Keep track of them in a Google Sheet.
Finding Your SEO Competitors

Want to find your competitors faster? Try Semrush’s Organic Research tool:

  • Just plug in your URL
  • Choose your country
  • Hit “Search.”
SEO Competitor Analysis 1

Scroll down to find “Main Organic Competitors

SEO Competitor Analysis 2

Click “View all…” to see:

  • How many keywords you share with other sites
  • How much traffic they get

Look for sites with lots of common keywords. These are your main competitors. Aim to find about 5-6 of them. 

Heads-up: if you’re new, it might be hard to compete right away. But that leads us to our next point.

Step 2: Check Your Competitors’ Authority Score

Every site has something called an “authority score”. It shows how strong your site is compared to others.

Factors That Influence Domain Authority

To find your score:

  • Go to SEMrush’s “Domain Overview
  • Type in your domain name
  • Hit “Search” 

Now, check the scores for your competitors:

  • You can check each one individually
  • Or use SEMrush’s Bulk Backlink Analysis to compare several domains at once
Check Authority Score of Multiple Competitors

After gathering them, see how you stack up against your competitors. 

Authority Score of Multiple Competitors

If yours is lower, that’s okay. It just means you have some work to do. 

Remember to note down each competitor’s score in your list.

Step 3: Find Any Keyword Gaps

Now, let’s find keywords your competitors use that you don’t. This is called a “keyword gap”.

You can use Semrush’s Keyword Gap tool. Just enter your website and your competitors’, then hit “Compare”.

In this example, we’ll be using a pet shop:

Find New Ideas From Competitor Keywords

Scroll down and click the “Missing” filter.

Find Missing Keyword Ideas From Competitor Keywords

Only add keywords relevant to your business, then “Export” when you’re happy.

Add and Export the Keyword Ideas to Your Google Sheet

Also check the “Untapped” tab for more keyword ideas:

Find Untapped Keyword Ideas From Competitor Keywords

Note: your primary focus should be on the “Missing” tab.

Next, look for keywords your competitors are no longer ranking for – this could be a chance for you to step in.

  • Use SEMrush’s Organic Research tool. 
  • Enter a competitor’s website
  • Go to “All Position Changes”
  • Choose “Pos: Top 20” and “Lost”
Filter Keywords Your Competitors Have Lost

You could create new pages or update existing pages with these keywords.

Finally, find new keywords your competitors are using:

  • Use the same SEMrush’s Organic Research tool.
  • Select “Pos: Top 20” 
  • Choose “New” from the drop-down menu.
Filter New Keywords Your Competitors Are Using

Now, you need to figure out what kind of pages to create for these keywords.

Ask yourself why someone would search for that keyword (search intent). 

Keyword's Search Intent of Your Competitors

If the intent is “I” (informational), go for a blog post or create an e-book. If it’s “C” (commercial) or “T” (transactional), a product page might be better.

Types of Keyword Search Intent

Step 4: Analyse Your Competitors’ SEO Content

Now you need to look into their content.

  • Use the Organic Research tool again
  • Paste in your competitor’s URL
  • Click on “Pages.”

You’ll see a list showing their traffic stats:

Spy Into Your Competitors' SEO Content

Look at each page in detail:

Spy Into Your Competitors' SEO Content in Detail

Ask yourself:

  • Do they use pictures or videos?
  • Is it a product page or a blog post?
  • Did an expert write it?
  • Is the writing good?
  • Does it help readers?

If their content looks great, try to make yours even better.

Step 5: Backlink Analysis

Good backlinks are like thumbs-up from other websites.

If your competitors have more, you’ll struggle to outrank them—unless you build better backlinks.

To check backlinks:

  1. Use Semrush’s “Backlink Analytics” tool
  2. Put in your website and your competitors’
  3. Click “Compare”
Compare Your Competitors SEO Backlinks

This shows you how many sites link to you and your rivals.

Your Competitors SEO Backlinks in a Table

To see the best links:

  1. Click “Referring Domains” or “Backlinks”
  2. Look at the “Backlinks” section
  3. Sort by highest “Authority Score”
  4. Filter for “Follow” links (these help rankings most)
High Authority SEO Follow Backlinks

“Nofollow” links are still useful. You might link to a competitor without endorsment.

Difference between Follow vs Nofollow links

Now, see which of your competitor’s pages are getting these “Follow” links.

  • If you don’t have pages on these topics, create them (and keep them relevant to your business)
  • If you do, make yours better

Now you want to reach out to other sites and try and get them to link to you. 

If a website links to your competitors, they might also link to you, especially if your content is better.

To start:

  1. Use Semrush’s “Backlink Gap” tool
  2. Enter your site and competitors’
  3. Click “Find prospects”
  4. Choose “Best” filter
  5. Look for high “Authority Score” sites
Find Better Sites for Outreach

Now, you have a list of websites you can reach out to for backlinks. 

Step 6: Technical SEO Analysis

Besides content, your site also needs to be in good technical shape:

1) Website Performance and User Experience(UX)

Fast, easy-to-use websites make everyone happy. Use PageSpeed Insights to see how your site compares to others on both mobile and desktop.

SEO Page Speed Insights

2) URL structure

Look at top-ranking websites’ URLs:

  • Do they use keywords?
  • Are they short and clear?
  • Do they tell you what the page is about?

Try to make your URLs similar if you like what you see.

3) Mobile Responsiveness

Your site must work well on mobile. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to check.

4) Internal Linking

Link your site’s pages together. It helps Google understand your site and visitors find things easier.

5) SSL Certifications

Make sure your site starts with ‘https://’. Google likes secure sites and warns people about ones that aren’t.

SEO Competitor Analysis Tools

Add these tools to your marketing stack for better competitive intelligence:

1. SemRush

SEMrush not only offers good data for keyword research, backlink analysis, competitor research, and so on — but it’s also pretty intuitive.

SEO Competitor Analysis Tool SEMrush


  • Traffic and domain comparison tools
  • Backlink profile tracking
  • Detailed competitor keyword data

Not So Good:

  • Pricey for small-scale use
  • Limited local competitor data
  • Learning curve for advanced features

Pricing: Limited free plan. Paid plan starts at $129/month.

2. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is an all-in-one SEO toolset that offers insights into your competitors’ content, backlinks, keywords, ads, and so much more.

SEO Competitor Analysis Tool Ahrefs


  • Extensive backlink analysis
  • In-depth keyword and traffic data
  • Historical SEO data for competitors
  • Content performance analysis

Not So Good:

  • Pricey for small businesses
  • Complex interface for beginners
  • Infrequent data updates

Pricing: Starts at £79/month​ 

3. Moz

Moz, while not as adept as Ahrefs and Semrush at organic keyword research, offers unique features for competitor analysis. 

SEO Tool for Competitor Analysis Moz


  • Insights into domain and page authority
  • Custom optimisation suggestions
  • Multiple competitor metrics comparison

Not So Good:

  • Limited to three reports a day
  • Advanced features can be pricey
  • Smaller backlink database

Pricing: Starts at $79/month when billed annually.

4. SpyFu

SpyFu is one of the best SEO competitor analysis tools out there that shows you all the keywords your competitors use in their organic search and Google Ads.

It even suggests more similar keywords. You just need enter your competitors’ keywords to see their overall strategy. 

SEO Tool for Competitor Analysis SpyFu


  • Easy-to-use
  • Historical ad data for competitors
  • Gives insights on keyword usage and results
  • Analyzes top organic and paid search terms

Not So Good:

  • Not so much data on global competitors
  • Less focus on content and social media
  • Some data might not be accurate

Pricing: Starts at $33/month with 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

5. SE Ranking

SE Ranking allows you to track competitors’ search rankings across various search engines and regions for up to five projects per website.

SEO Tool for Competitor Analysis SE Ranking


  • Real-time keyword ranking tracking
  • Comparative SEO metrics analysis
  • Web traffic and visibility insights

Not So Good:

  • Basic content strategy insights
  • Limited historical data
  • Full features require higher-tier plans

Pricing: 14-day free plan. Paid plan starts from £36.00/mo.

How Often Should You Perform An SEO Competitor Analysis?

Do an SEO competitor check at least once a month.

But it depends on:

  • The size of your niche
  • The number of competitors
  • How often search algorithms change

Don’t worry, it gets faster and easier after the first time.

Also, check after any algorithm changes—rankings can shift a lot then.

Competitors might move up or down overnight, and so could you.

Final Thoughts

There’s plenty more you can do when it comes to analysing competitors for SEO, but this should help you get going.

Try the steps I mentioned and use what you learn to boost your SEO. Remember, doing is better than just knowing.

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

About the Author

GrowUp founder

Muiz Thomas

Professionally, I’ve got over 6 years of SEO, copywriting, and design experience. My job in a nutshell? Make your customers sit up, pay attention, and click (in that order).